Opérateur observateur aspirant offre d’emploi B-Securité

Vacancy: Trainee Operator

Would you like to work in the most hightech control room of the Netherlands?

Read more
Salaris Aspirant Observant Centralist

Great salary

Starting salary from €2,184,- to €2,767,- per 4 weeks excluding irregularities and weekend allowances.
Opleiding Observant Centralist

We invest in you

A great career path to Observing Dispatcher with various education and courses.
Vast contract Observant Centralist


Working towards an indefinite contract as Observing Dispatcher in two years.

Basic-Fit Security is looking for Trainee Operators

Securing Basic-Fit sports clubs remotely

Fitness and cardio, you can no longer ignore it in 2024. With 1300+ sports clubs spread over five countries, Basic-Fit is the world's fastest growing chain in the sports industry. To keep all sport members and employees safe, an independent organization has been created to remotely secure these sports clubs. In Hoofddorp you will find one of the most beautiful, but above all one of the most  high-tech control rooms. By bringing together high-quality technical infrastructure, knowledge in combination with people, Basic-Fit Security knows how to make the difference with 'remote security' time and again. Your safety first.
Where will I work?
Impressie Aspirant Observant Centralist vacature

This is where you will work

With more than 700 sports clubs, spread over the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Spain, Basic-Fit is one of the fastest growing gym chains worldwide. Therefore the ambition is to expand to 2000 sports clubs in the coming years! To ensure that sport members can move safely and Basic-Fit employees can safely do their work, it was decided in 2018 that these clubs needed state of the art security surveillance by using intelligent (AI) cameras.

B-Securité's Monitoring Alarm Receiving Center (MARC) is equipped with high-quality technology, such as aggression detection, people count in response to COVID-19, unwell detection and high-quality analysis tools. The MARC has been organized as a Business Alarm Center especially for the Basic-Fit security chain. The MARC chain consists of intelligent camera and detection with the latest communication technology. Currently, more than 600 Basis-Fit sports clubs across Europe are connected 'live' by means of a broadband and fast international Fiber network. With this method, the MARC of Basic-Fit Security can effectively and efficiently secure the connected Basic-Fit sports clubs, provide service to customers, carry out investigations and project live camera surveillance at the request of Basic-Fit.

What does a

Trainee Operator do?

Respectful, professional and transparent

Those are our core values.

Werken als Aspirant Observant Centralist

A day in the life a Trainee Operator

It's time for your workday, you come in your hand-tailored suit, say hello to your colleagues and put your things in your locker. You grab a delicious cup of coffee and enter the "State of the Art" Monitoring Alarm Receiving Center. The Supervisor on duty calls the new team together to kick off the shift. When all details and exceptions have been discussed, the shift is transferred to your colleagues.

You take a seat at your observation table and open your e-mail and daily report to read further about possible details. You read that club number 400 has been successfully connected and is live! Suddenly a message opens on your screen: one of the sport members in a club has fallen badly from the treadmill! The smart camera in the sports club has sounded the alarm. Because of your attentiveness and alert attitude you know what to do. You contact a Basic-fit employee on site and start to register. You inform what is going on and, together with your colleagues, ensure that the sport member in question is brought to safety and receives the necessary medical care. An ambulance is needed. You make sure it gets there. You remain calm and in control of the situation.

The sport member is now in good hands. With your alert and decisive attitude you had the situation under control. You start by creating an incident report to complete the case and move on to the next. Well done!

How do I become a Trainee Operator?

You will be trained

After a process of approximately two years, you have managed to develop yourself into a Operator, where you will independently perform various tasks in the Monitoring Alarm Receiving Center. You are now an expert in recognizing deviant behavior and know better than anyone what to do in crisis situations in sports clubs.

What do I get in return?

Our promise

  • You start with a one-year contract. If you perform well after two years of training, you will receive a permanent contract.
  • A starting salary of € 2,189 to € 2,530 gross, 13 periods! (depending on experience and previously acquired competences), so payed per 4 weeks based on 38 hours, excluding irregularity and weekend allowances. It is also possible to work 24 hours a week;
  • Attractive fringe benefits such as a travel allowance;
  • A challenging job in one of the most modern alarm centers in the Netherlands with plenty of opportunities to realize your ambitions;
  • Job-oriented training and courses with all kinds of different options;
  • An open culture where there is room to take ownership and realize your ambitions.


Specially developed training in which you will develop into an excellent Operator!

Suppose I apply for this job. What happens next?

Bel met B-Securité

Phase 1

Phone acquaintance

You will be called for a first telephone meeting. During this interview, we briefly discuss your motivation for your application. Is there a match? Then we immediately schedule an online intake!

Skype intake B-Securité

Phase 2

Online intake

During the online intake we talk about your CV, motivation and competencies. We discuss the vacancy, Basic-Fit Security and the training program in detail. Are we excited on both sides? Then we schedule a personal meeting at Basic-Fit Security in Hoofddorp.
Persoonlijk gesprek

Phase 3

Personal interview

In a live personal interview you will get to know Basic-Fit Security, the workplace and possibly future colleagues. We will also continue to discuss the position.

Eindgesprek B-Securité

Phase 4

Final interview

During this final interview we look at the details. We discuss the salary, training program, etc. to make sure you are ready to start.
Aangenomen bij B-Securité

Phase 5

You are hired!

Congratulations! Glad we're going to work together. You will start as a Trainee Operator at Basic-Fit Security.

Ready to get started as a Trainee Operator?

Absolutely! What are the demands?


  • You master the English language both orally and in writing and have a professional knowledge of the French language.
  • You have obtained a preparatory vocational secondary education diploma (minimum).
  • You don't mind working days, evenings, nights and weekends.
  • You know how to stay calm and make decisions in stressful situations.
  • It is important for you to work with defined guidelines, you are working in a certified control center, where laws and regulations are essential.
  • You want to continue to develop and improve yourself in the performance of your work through feedback and training.

Do you recognize yourself in these requirements?

We would be happy to meet you!

Apply now

You have questions? Do not hesitate to contact us!

Bel met B-Securité

By telephone

035 69 46 111

Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Mail naar B-Securité

By e-mail


We usually respond within one business day.

Apply for this job

Are you interested? We would be happy to meet you! Fill in your details below. We will contact you within two working days after submitting your application.