Basic-Fit Security is looking for Trainee Operators
Securing Basic-Fit sports clubs remotely
Basic-Fit Security is looking for Trainee Operators
Securing Basic-Fit sports clubs remotely
Basic-Fit Security is looking for Trainee Operators
Securing Basic-Fit sports clubs remotely
With more than 700 sports clubs, spread over the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Spain, Basic-Fit is one of the fastest growing gym chains worldwide. Therefore the ambition is to expand to 2000 sports clubs in the coming years! To ensure that sport members can move safely and Basic-Fit employees can safely do their work, it was decided in 2018 that these clubs needed state of the art security surveillance by using intelligent (AI) cameras.
B-Securité's Monitoring Alarm Receiving Center (MARC) is equipped with high-quality technology, such as aggression detection, people count in response to COVID-19, unwell detection and high-quality analysis tools. The MARC has been organized as a Business Alarm Center especially for the Basic-Fit security chain. The MARC chain consists of intelligent camera and detection with the latest communication technology. Currently, more than 600 Basis-Fit sports clubs across Europe are connected 'live' by means of a broadband and fast international Fiber network. With this method, the MARC of Basic-Fit Security can effectively and efficiently secure the connected Basic-Fit sports clubs, provide service to customers, carry out investigations and project live camera surveillance at the request of Basic-Fit.
Specially developed training in which you will develop into an excellent Operator!
Do you recognize yourself in these requirements?
We would be happy to meet you!